The site has now moved to . Elder Ephraim of Arizona | He was buried there, and thousands of pilgrims immediately started coming to his grave. . The Monastery also has a large selection of Greek and children's books, as well as Icons, Crosses, wedding and baptism lambades, baptism boxes, bonboniere, and other religious items. Caution Regarding the "Prophecies" of Elder Paisios , , , , , , . . A brief life of Saint Paisios - Orthodox Christian Network According to the wishes of the Elder, Fr. . Elder Ephraim, also known as Ioannis Moraitis, was the spiritual head of the Greek Orthodox St. Anthony's Monastery in Arizona. Exercise caution in forums such as this. Public Domain. , , . . Orthodox Bookshop Panagia Gorgoepikoos Monastery Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. The Relics of Saint Anna, Grandmother of our Lord. I had a close relationship with Elder Ephraim and knew Scott Nevins personally. Saint Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery Florence, Arizona Geronda Ephraim, the former abbot of Philotheou Monastery and the founder of Saint Anthony's Monastery, who lived the ascetical life and fell asleep in the Lord in Arizona, appeared to a woman in Northern Greece who at the time was together with her daughter-in-law. St. Anthony Monastery - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Exhortation of St. Paisius I IMPLORE and exhort you, my beloved fathers, brethren, and children, in the following: Love the Lord with all thy soul and all thy heart. Saint Paisios of Mount Athos - Elder Paisios the Athonite | The Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Elder Saint Paisios of Mt Athos | The Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk . , . . A Chapel to Saint Paisios the Athonite Where He Served in the Greek Army. This also has to do with what is happening in America. December 11, 2022. Ioannis (ee-oh-Ah-nees) is the Greek form of John. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The first monks arrived in July 1995 from Philotheou Monastery. May God have mercy on your poor, lost soul. Here is an exceprt from Passions and Virtues: The humble person has all the spiritual fragrances: simplicity, meekness, unconditional love, goodness, forbearance, sacrifice, obedience. Tel: 520-868-3188. Brendan, I doubt very much that Turkey will let Ukraine join NATO. "Elder Paisios the Athonite". His family felt the monastery brainwashed their "boy", and they had him go in some intense therapy. The Greek Orthodox Monk Who Established 19 Monasteries in America ELDER EPHRAIM of Arizona Appeared and CALLS US TO REPENTANCE Is there a particular reason you can hear some people compare its quality to an Athonite community and yet others discussing accusations of cult behavior? Apoi printele Efrem i-a spus femeii: Pocin! , , . Homilies of Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios sur Apple Podcasts It looks like a desert resort. At that time, John appeared to be happy and healthy. I'm reading the Life of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos by Heiromonk Issak (Editor's note - now Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. Scott Nevins was a novice for six years at St. Anthony, one of the 21 Monasteries established by Elder Ephraim, the former abbot of the Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos. Please help support our crowdfunding campaign. The OCA was given, All the talk about Ukraine joining NATO is just defiant pouting. [= ]. Welcome! Be it unto me according to thy word.1 She did not say, I will become the mother of the Son of God. They were vague and he spoke of this as being far in the future. 2012 (Spiritual Counsels, Vol. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. the St. Anthony's Monastery is a beautiful . May God be sweet to John and remember all his goodness. On his return to Mount Athos in 1964, Elder Paisios took up residence at the Skete of Iviron before moving to Katounakia at the southernmost tip of Mount Athos for a short stay in the desert there. Of Beasts and Saints: The Taming of Wild Animals Through Theosis But you got,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, About that Horrible Train Wreck in Greece, Archbishop Elpidophoros and the New Charter. One of my close friends visits there almost every weekend. St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery, Florence AZ St. Anthony's is the fountainhead of Athonite monasticism in North America, transplanted here by the Elder Ephraim, former Abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, and disciple of Elder Joseph the Hesychast. at the bottom of this page for information about updates. This man is sincere. A recent vision that a woman in Greece had of Geronda Ephraim has come to many peoples attention. , ! What Does the Zombie Genre Say about the Modern West? In: This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 04:55. I'm not sure how accurate this is, since I have heard it from people who have visited and can't personally confirm (I heard it from various people who visited and who love the place, so I assume it is true), but ONLY Greek is used, and the monks are supposed to pray the Jesus prayer in Greek. Yes, Elder Ephraim is an evil man. Unfortunately, certain people seized on this tragedy and, in combination with the austerity and severity of Athonite monasticism in a culture used to "safe space", rumours abound. Just a note, though: If you're married, you might not want to go asking a young virgin priestmonk about your sex life. In 1973, a more complete translation of the life of St Silouan, under the title Monk of Mt Athos, was published, followed by the publication of Wisdom of Mt Athos, the writings of St Silouan.Elder Sophrony seemed to move to his own works after this, publishing His Life is Mine in 1977 and We Shall see Him As He Is in 1985. 2016 (a collection of written narratives of the saint found in his private notebook of notes, typed down and published), " ", ed. At the greeting of the Archangel, Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. ( , ; , ). But I think it is a good place. The Historicity and Reliability of Acts of the Apo Holy New Hieromartyr Bessarion, Bishop of Smolyan, Saint Bogolep: Child Schema-monk of Cherny Yar, Jordan River 'Too Polluted' For Baptism Pilgrims, How the Rich and the Poor Help Each Other. At the time of the appearance this woman was not asleep, but in a state of wakefulness. Welcome to St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery Please help support our crowdfunding campaign to help us publish our new books about Geronda Ephraim: Sent By God: Geronda Ephraim of Arizona Book Project (longer version) Watch on I do find some of story of his life very inspiring and enlightening-although it must be scaled . The woman who saw this vision was a spiritual daughter of Geronda Ephraim for many years, and was in communication with him until his repose. Christ is very angry. The Blessed Elder Paisios was born on 25th July 1924. . Our beloved Orthodox Christians, evlogeite. South Bolton, Ont. He understood that it was Gods will for him to return to Canada and also to visit parishes in the United States. It is authentic and verified. So long as territory Ukraine claims as its own. He says that having visited there and the Holy Mountain were very similar experiences. (By the way, he told his parents that when he asked Elder Ephraim if he was "holy", Ephraim responded that no, he is not holy.). The Impure, Impudent and the Self-willed (2 Peter AGORA: An Atheistic Propaganda Piece Serving An At Chrysostom's Homily On Saint Phocas, Bishop of Sinope, The Incorrupt Left Hand of St. Mary Magdalene. Roscoe, NY 12776 USA website, Abbess Paraskevi 6855 Little York Lane Washington, TX 77880 USA website. We would like to confirm that the vision is from God, and that its message very much reflects the spirit of our Gerondas teaching. After all, what else have they got? Paisios stayed there until 1979, when he moved to his final home on the Holy Mountain, the hermitage Panagouda, which belongs to the Monastery of Koutloumousiou. And he told her: Repentance! This was something new for her (i.e., the content of their conversation was unlike any of their previous conversations; for after Gerondas repose she had seen him several times, both in her sleep and while awake), and for this reason she was astonished and called her spiritual father, in order to ask if what she had seen was delusion or reality. By the autumn of 1995, more monks arrived. Good, maybe the Greeks are seeing the wring on the wall and know that Elensky is a schyster Now if, I totally agree. Geronda Ephraim - St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery Geronda Ephraim Ioannis Moraitis 1 (the future Geronda 2 Ephraim) was born in Volos 3, Greece, to Demetrios and Victoria Moraitis on June 24, 1928, the day the Orthodox Church celebrates the birth of Saint John the Baptist. This holy and spiritual message that is presented here in several languages for the benefit of the Church. As such, St. Anthonys is similar to some of what one will find on Athos but different from others. Father Paisios did say that to me, and you can ask both of them if you like. Press J to jump to the feed. Elder Archimandrite Ephraim (Ioannis Moraitis - June 24, 1927) was an archimandrite and former abbot of Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos, spiritual guide of four monasteries on Mount Athos and of eight women's convents in Greece, as well as the founder of 19 monasteries in the United States and Canada. You people sure do throw a lot of mud around! Volos is a coastal port city in Thessaly, situated about 205 miles north of Athens and 137 miles south of Thessaloniki. Aceast mrturie este autentic i verificat. Saint Paisios of Mount Athos (1994) is perhaps the greatest and most revered Elder of the Orthodox Church of our time. You are not merciful toward one another, you do not have mercy. The fact is, there is nothing strange or wrong at St. Anthony's. The Psalter Saint Arsenios used the Psalms for blessings, especially when there was no prescribed blessing for a particular occasion. Patriarch Pavle: The Greatest Sin Is To Justify Sin, Dn. And if we, in our sinful and limited understanding, feel that such a one ought to be shown mercy, God's mercy and understanding is far greater. This was horrible and tragic for all involved. Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios (1927-2006), was abbot of the Holy Monastery of St John the Theologian, Larisa, and was one of the most eminent and beloved teachers and Gospel preachers of the church in the 20th century. The thing that looks like "cult behavior" to some people IS the Athonite discipline of the community. Miracles, Icons and Photos of St. Irene Chrysovala Relics Discovered in 5th Cent. Konstamonitou is on the southeastern side of the Athos peninsula. Katounakia is a group of cells located in the desert region on the southeastern side of the peninsula. (notices by the Saint on, , " - ", ed. Actually, it's slanderous to call me a devil. I so want to see St. Anthony's Monastery, where you are now laboring with your spiritual children! In a service presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of San Francisco, Priest-monk Paisios was enthroned as the first abbot of the monastery and new monks were tonsured. Elder Paisios the New - Alexander He is an Orthodox Christian with unshakeable faith in God. Repentance begins at home, This is the third beating administered to Ukraine. "When the Turks close the straits, World War III will come," he wrote referencing a direct quote from Saint Paisios.The extra ordinary claim from such a public figure took many by surprise but for others perhaps waiting for Greece to regain some past Byzantine glory on the way to the end of the world, it was a welcoming announcement. The vision concerns the general state of the world, and how prayer and tears of repentance are so necessary today and yet lacking everywhere. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. the Feast of St. Anthony the Great was still celebrated and Priest-monk Paisios was enthroned as the first abbot, or leader, of St. Anthony's. . I must confess that my reaction is mixed. You should go and form your own experience and opinion though. Smith Creek, MI 48061 USA, Hieromonk Nektarios 1631 Creasey Rd. July 12: Agios Paisios of Mount Athos - Saint Paisios of Mount Athos - The Orthodox Path Fax: 520-868-3088. www . The vision concerns the general state of the world, and how prayer and tears of repentance are so necessary today and yet lacking everywhere.