In addition, the Venus in Capricorn is good or bad? With Capricorn rising, you are the most objective of the Pisces. He has his principles and respects a certain code of conduct in every social event, and he keeps a respectable distance with all his friends. Pisces Sun + Capricorn Moon Personality - Astroligion As Venus rules this sign the whole personality will be lightened, possessive tendencies reduced, and the overall Taurean slowness corrected, both intellectually and physically. Scorpio jealousy can clash with the Sagittarian independence, and a resolution of this conflict is important. Here is a good, faithful friend but someone who will be difficult to know really well. Lacking in confidence is just fine, and so is a touch of helplessness. Financial risks will be taken, with mixed results. They are vey emotional and there is always a bit of a storm in their hearts. People with Venus in Pisces are in love with love and romance. This knowledge dates back to the early days of astrology. My ex husband was a cancer and don't even get me started there. They approach love affairs with surprising caution, but must realize that selfishness and possessiveness can cause more damage than might be imagined. Also, express your desire for a stronger commitment if youre still dating. Pisces is the sign of fantasy, so you have a rich imagination in the bedroom. Her emotional displays can be intimidating to people who are not accustomed to her. All of this creates a strong image of respect and dignity for the Venus in Capricorn. Financial ability and an excellent business sense are likely. They go through highs and lows but are pretty good at keeping themselves together or at least appear as though they are. Rivalry can occur in friendship, with the individual needing to take the lead. They are proud of their stability and control. The lively, fiery passion of Sagittarius is increased, with the need for independence clashing somewhat with the Scorpionic intensity of feeling. You are sensitive, artistic, and compassionate. Moneymaking is less important than for other Capricorn groups. Here is a practical and sympathetic friend. Just took this picture of Venus and Jupiter conjunct in tropical Aries or sidereal Pisces. The romantic tendencies often present in this Sun sign may be suppressed. They make up for whatever they lack, however, with their creativity and compassion. Thinking of having a great life means you can look for a better chance. There is a wide circle of friends, who often share philanthropic or intellectual interests. However, your intuition will not let you sit by. Trying to attract a Venus in Capricorn lover is like applying for a job a large corporation. All indications described for Venus in Pisces will apply very strongly. The influence of Venus is very strong in this placing. They display their ranking through their wealth and personal possessions. Capricorn Sun - Leo Venus. Capricorn and Taurus are the earth signs closest to water sign Pisces. Saturn will pass through Pisces three more times between now and 2,117 AD. Here is a good friend, but one who may become suspicious. The emotional level must be assessed in relation to other areas of the chart, especially the Ascendant and the Moon sign and their aspects. There will be powerful emotional relationships, but sometimes conflict can arise when the subject has to decide whether to deepen one of these through cohabitation, and there may be a delay in making an emotional commitment. Professionally, hes a monster, and personally, he takes care of himself as best as possible. People with Venus in Pisces can be very spiritual, whether or not they are involved with organized religion. While Venus in Pisces is emotionally intense, this comes from an admirable ideal of loving without limits. Beneath all the theatrics, though, she does genuinely care for her loved ones, and she will defend them fiercely. A man with his Venus in Pisces is enchanting and possesses charm. Extravagance and impulse buying can cause financial problems. Here is a friend who needs to share interests and challenges. Your email address will not be published. The Capricorn sun Pisces moon man or woman is dedicated, and ambitious but can also be very sensitive to criticism and negative remarks. Stability in your relationships is one of the things that you know about them. How compatible are Venus Pisces and Venus Capricorn? - Quora Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon Personality - Astroligion 4. Sun in Pisces Moon in Capricorn - They must try hard to counter any possessive tendencies. If you are as reasonable and logical as Capricorn, they will always be attracted to your practical nature. At such times possessiveness (Taurus) and selfishness (Venus in Aries) can cause serious problems, but the highs will be marvelously romantic as well as fulfilling. Financial affairs are approached in a practical way. Posts: 474From: ON CanadaRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2016 # # # # .. # # # . When you think of being a responsible partner, then Venus in Capricorn is the source of your inspiration. There are also many people with Venus in Aries or Aquarius who have the Sun in Pisces. Instead, they would love to go on a long walk on the beach while holding hands and having a heart-to-heart conversation. The Venus in Capricorn man focuses on gaining confidence with your partner. It also describes the kinds of experiences you need to have to make your life meaningful. However, Moon in Capricorn could be exactly what Pisces needs to keep him grounded and on track. Once a pisces woman and . The beginning of the Russian Revolution, in March 1917 has a Pisces stellium - Venus (4), Mars (15) and Sun (17). However, Venus in Pisces will be a much more effective champion for whatever their cause is after Venus in Taurus has taken care of them a bit. Vulnerabilities and affection were probably not priorities. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dont count on people who have Venus in the fluid sign of Pisces to sticking tightly to a budget. She must be ambitious, intellectually and emotionally mature enough to realize how flimsy some things are, to have plenty of knowledge, and independent enough not to rely completely on him. Steady financial growth is important and will be achieved. The management of finances may or may not be good, so a balance is needed. Here the fire and water emotions are combined, but the fire of Aries gives a natural assertiveness so that inner strength will be added to warmth, kindness and passion. Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Pisces? Quick Gemini wit will complement the Taurean business ability. This placing can also glamorize the usually very casual Sagittarian image. You will feel personally responsible for the happiness of those around you. One of the reasons why he values honesty so much is that he can tell someone's true intentions. Faithfulness and loyalty join with a reserved expression of feeling. Hes looking for a lover who understands and is keen on having a good conversation with him, someone who is tolerant, open-minded, and straightforward. Venus in Aquarius and Venus in Aries both tend to be emotionally awkward and therefore not good at relating to the emotional intensity of Venus in Pisces. While some see this as boring, others can see the hidden romance behind the idea. Pisces Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations Sun in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces Aquarius Sun in the Natal Chart Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Key Phrase: I Know Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus If you were born when the Sun was in Aquarius then this is your natal Sun sign. Typically someone born under this Sun sign is deeply sensitive and naturally psychic as they are tuned into the unseen dimensions. Moon in Capricorn is the queen of emotional boundaries. However, if other aspects between these two indicate sufficient love and attraction, they could each have something that the other needs. Here are people who will get what they want, but may not consider a partner's feelings carefully or sympathetically. Venus in Capricorn people are cautious and conservative, looking for long-term value rather than short-term thrills. As such Venus represents the drive inward toward center, which meets the out-surging solar flow. A man whose Mars is in Capricorn may be Venus in Capricorn's most compatible match. Those with Venus in Pisces usually have something that feels gentle and dreamy about their looks. Dont forget about this aspect, and take some time off from work, or take a few steps back and just enjoy spending time with them. They arent into dating for a fling. Money can be handled badly. There is great sexual exuberance, making for an enthusiastic partner. Bossiness should be countered, especially towards friends. Celebrities With Venus In Capricorn: Ben Stiller, Abhishek Bachchan, Seal, Imran Khan, Virginia Woolf, Steve Jobs, Positive Keywords for Venus in Capricorn: Serious, Practical, Mature, Logical, Responsible, Negative Keywords for Venus in Capricorn: Dull, Boring, Unspontaneous. Alertness and quick thinking in business will be an advantage. They need a certain measure of predictability and dependability in their relationships, even if their Sun is in the more spontaneous signs of Aries or Gemini. Pisces in a relationship, what sign is your partner? I'm a - reddit 1March 2023. Venus in Pisces in the Natal Chart Meaning: Beauty and Magic You might have this placement if your Sun sign is Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, or Taurus. Its not that he isnt used to or that hes cautious, its that it would be very difficult and go against his nature to do it. Venus in Pisces has a tendency to drown in the depths of the whole worlds suffering, but Venus in Capricorn could help Venus in Pisces come up with some sort of practical plan to address the whole worlds suffering. The blending of earth (Capricorn) and water (Pisces) is excellent, since Venus will help steady the gush of Piscean emotion. Pisces is often overwhelmed by emotions and searches for a way out through creative means such as poetry, substance use, metaphysics, or dance. If bossiness can be exchanged for diplomacy and tact, partnerships should be rewarding. Financial risks may be enjoyed and taken erratically, without due thought. Hes interested in serious and responsible women who know what they want from their lives. Meanwhile, Virgo marks the transition from summer to fall, from a time of abundance to a time of worrying about having enough to get through the winter. This warms the Capricorn heart and softens the attitude towards partners. Hes not willing to debase himself by lowering his language or by involving himself in things that arent worthy of his time. Venus rules the things that a person values, including love and money. Additionally, the Venus in Capricorns husband is key to knowing a great source of ideas. Sun in Libra / Venus in VirgoThis is not an easy combination, for Libra needs love and harmony while Virgo will tend to be shy of expressing feelings and responding to love. (Read more about the personality of the Capricorn Man & Capricorn Woman), So, this can be a turn-off for some people who feel Capricorn is not particularly spontaneous or exciting. 100+ Capricorn Venus Celebrities - Ranker They share an intense desire for social standing and can be partners in making a name solo or together. Self-confidence, especially related to sexual appeal, is not strong. Posts: 2232From: The East CoastRegistered: Mar 2011, ------------------"Just like moons and like suns,With the certainty of tides,Just like hopes springing high,Still I'll rise." At your best, the individual is romantic with a love of good living, and will give much to a partner both through warm-hearted affection and sex. As long as she has these traits, hes willing to omit all the other flaws or inconsistencies because these are the essential characteristics that hes looking for. Generosity is usual, and if love and affection are lacking there may be a tendency to try to buy them with elaborate presents. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. Capricorn Sun - Scorpio Venus. While Venus in Cancer can become insular, narrowly focused on their own needs and those of their close family, a Venus in Pisces partner could encourage Venus in Cancer to broaden their outlook and extend compassion to a broader circle. That means people who have Venus in Pisces can have the Sun in only the following signs: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. Venus in Pisces, however, would secretly appreciate the more direct nurturing Venus in Cancer gives. When Venus enters Capricorn, fleeting lust burns off and leaves behind a strong sense of stability, focus, and dedication. Most of the Venus in Capricorn personality is teaching you basic ways of showing respect. Comfort, security and quality are important. Venus in Pisces Man - Luvze Pisces is co-ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. Venus represents love, creativity, allure, relationships, money, and finance. There may be a tendency to criticize the partner or be very moody. Venus in Taurus can get so caught up in their own personal enjoyment of such things that Venus in Pisces pushing them to look at the bigger picture can be good for them. The liking for comfort and luxury is enhanced, but the resentfulness of this placing can combine with Scorpio jealousy and must be controlled. They would at least enjoy each others company enough to be able to sort out the problems that did arise, though. Shrewdness will be shown in business deals. This adds stability, and is a good counter to Piscean elusiveness. Have a question about relationships or money or health? The sex life must be lively and stimulating. They will have a deep and often psychic connection with each other. The sensitive watery emotion of Pisces combined with the fiery passion of Aries makes one an ardent but caring and tender lover. Your partner is the hardest working person you will ever meet, and they will expect the same kind of effort from you. The love life will be taken very seriously, and perhaps the subject will refuse to realize that they have some deep, intense and very powerful feelings. One must learn not to cling to loved ones after a relationship has ended. Sacrifices may be made to your considerable detriment. She was married to. If you deviated as a child, you were made to feel guilty or bad. That means people who have Venus in Pisces can have the Sun in only the following signs: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. The combination of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant describe what you want (Sun . If shes in maximum shutdown mode, shell feel threatened by his lack of respect for routine. There will be a great appreciation of quality and the beautiful things in life, with a lot of money spent on them. Here is a kind friend who will offer plenty of sensible suggestions when called upon to help. His Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Mercury are in Pisces (he has stellium in his 12th house)and his Moon-Venus and Saturn are in Cappricorn. Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. An overly enterprising spirit can sometimes harm moneymaking ideas. He doesnt like overly emotional women, talkative ones, ignorant and superficial ones, and unpredictability is most of the times undesirable. Both partners and friends will be given positive encouragement. He's been searching for that special someone for all his life, and he made a purpose out of this. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Both Aries and Aquarius tend to push forward toward whatever excitement they can find. The taboo can be a turn-on for those with Mars in Pisces, but careful not to get sucked into anything unsavoryeven in your financial life. Hence, In addition, the Venus in Capricorn is good or bad? Venus In Pisces | The Effects And It's Meaning - MyPandit This aspect can create a magnetic and transformative connection between two individuals, [], Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. As Pisces explores the imaginative potentials of life, Capricorn will feel dismissive or even threatened by his boundaryless approach. The ardent passion of Aries is tempered with light-hearted affection and an attractive expression of feelings. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. For his ideal woman, he is willing to sacrifice a lot, and he will shower her with his attention and affection. Both are curious about lifes big questions and enjoy going on adventures. What's the best way to manifest a love reconciliation? For those who The emotions are steady and tempered with common sense and fiscal ability. Sun-Venus Sun in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio You are a combination of old fashioned even anachronistic dependability and enigma. As a Pisces Sun there is a tendency for you to get into the helping professions such as mental health, end of life care, or energy healing. A Venus in Capricorn man is ambitious and perseverant, and that is the basic essence of his character. This placing helps to rationalize the feelings, however, and the need for intellectual rapport and good friendship, as well as pure romance, is very healthy. This calms the passion of Sagittarius, and the love life is taken seriously. Even though Pisces shares neither element nor mode with Libra, Venus in Pisces might not be that bad with Venus in Libra because they have in common that Venus is happy in that sign. What does it mean when Venus is in Capricorn? Hes never been one to wallow in sentimentality, and he has a very practical outlook on relationships in general. Seriously. He or she may be boastful towards, and about, the partner. As the given house carries the energies of Mars-ruled Scorpio, it indicates assets of or related to landed property and gains through them. Who is Venus in Sagittarius compatible with? Extravagance and a clever financial flair are usually complementary. Rather, someone serious, a little rigid, responsible, who knows how to appreciate a good man when she sees him. Capricorn Sun - Cancer Venus. Sun in Pisces may attempt to touch Capricorns guarded heart with romantic gestures, but hell be hurt by her coldness, and eventually withdraw. In this sense, it represents the feminine side of one's personality, the way passions are lived, and also what one seeks in the loving sense. Although selfish at times, they will be generous to loved ones, wanting them to enjoy the relationship. Views will be freely and even sharply expressed but Cancerian faithfulness will still be evident. Leo emotions and exuberance are toned down and occasionally aloofness can mask sexual inhibition. There is a good blend of well-expressed emotion and a rational approach to joint problems. As Venus rules Libra, there will be a powerful element of Virgo present. Clip From Let's Chart About Your Chart Episode 2What happens when you have Saturn in Gemini, Mars in Pisces, & a Sun/Venus conjunction in the 9th house? The blending of earth (Capricorn) and water (Pisces) is excellent, since Venus will help steady the gush of Piscean emotion. People with Venus in Pisces value the things in life that logic cannot touch. A Venus in Capricorn man tends to be serious, responsible, and hardworking. This is a passionate, energetic, and determined sign. Who Is Venus in Aquarius Compatible With? Ruthlessness in all areas of life must be countered. A need to be responsible and capable will likely define your romance with this person so you can be sure matters of the heart are not taken lightly. Venus in Capricorn for Women and Men - Sexual Astrology Similarly, the fire or air sign worker in the healthcare industry might gravitate toward experimental therapies. Friends will be put to the test in some way before being fully accepted. While he may fall in love with more than just a couple of his kindred spirits, he is always connecting with them on a deep level and not out of pure lust or ego. Older astrology texts often refer to fire and air signs as masculine and water and earth signs as feminine. Water and earth signs tend to be interested in security and in maintaining the structure that exists. Venus in Pisces In The Birth Chart - Tea & Rosemary Financial problems can occur through excessive generosity. The chart in The Book of World Horoscopes for the end of Communism, 24th August 1991, has the Sun at 1 Virgo. If Venus was in Pisces on the day you were born, you value compassion, and you love with emotional and perhaps even spiritual intensity. Shrewdness in business matters is a strong asset. Venus In Capricorn Meaning: Stable Relationships - Sun Signs Once they see it, they can build it. This is a lively friend who will want to organize occasions for everyone's benefit. Pisces and Capricorn - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life |