Dedicate yourself now to listen, to learn and ultimately, to lead! [15][16] OTS then became the sole organization for training future Air Force officers at Lackland AFB. During the spring and summer of 1993, OTS gradually relocated to Maxwell AFB, Alabama, the home of Air University, commencing operations in interim facilities on 25 September 1993. Phase 1: Foundation Shortly after I graduated, the Air Force made a smart move to integrate active duty, ANG and Reserve officer training. Airmen joining with a college degree in hand can begin as an officer, and those who qualify will start out in Officer Training School (OTS). OTS Welcome Guide has information covering arrival, orders, packing lists, and more. Enlisted personnel interested in attending OTS must have the approval of their unit commander. AFOQT scores, college GPA, previous enlisted performance evaluations if a current or former enlisted member, and, if applicable, previous pilot skills as either an FAA-certified civilian pilot and/or as a U.S. Army warrant officer / Army Aviator will all figure into the selection process, although the selection process strives to employ a composite or "whole person" approach. Every Air Force journey is different, but no matter where your career takes you, every path begins with training. Relationships between the Air Forces top educational institutions continue to grow two years after the Air Force Academy superintendent and Air University president signed an agreement combining resources to benefit the service and the Space Force. US Air Force Officer Recruitment & Selection Overview With the establishment of OTS, Air Force OCS closed its doors and conducted its last graduation in June 1963. If you are currently an active duty Air Force enlisted member, contact your base education office or military personnel section. If you are interested in a career as an Air Force officer and considering applying to OTS, contact your local Air Force recruiter via the Air Force recruiting web site I look forward to returning your salute at the end of this rewarding experience as our newest Air Force officers. Leaders are in charge of other personnel and must make difficult decisions, some of which may risk human life. Related Article How To Get Into The Air Force Academy. All religious materials must be secured with your personal belongings and placed out-of-site in order to preserve the religious freedom and respect of others. This article is converted from Wikipedia: Air Force Officer Training School. Recruits live at Maxwell AFB during training with a complex that includes academic buildings, auditoriums, dormitories, dining, physical fitness center, and athletic fields. Congratulations on your selection to attend the Officer Training School (OTS). Though the acceptance rate is not extremely low it does reject plenty of candidates. From education to continued training, your Air Force path is here. The basics COT is a 5-week program held at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. The Air Force requires you to have a four-year college degree or meet the guidelines for OTS in an alternative method. It might be an additional school opportunity offered to me, through my guard unit. Upon graduation, OTS graduates may receive either Regular or Reserve commissions as second lieutenants in the Regular United States Air Force, the Air Force Reserve, or the Air National Guard, as appropriate to their original source of entry and contract. The test is used to select applicants for Air Force ROTC as well as Officer Training School (OTS). In February 1997, in an effort to reduce duplication of effort and streamline administrative and reporting procedures within AU, AFROTC and OTS realigned under a newly created umbrella organization, Air Force Officer Accession and Training Schools (AFOATS). Inbound trainees, ensure you view the 'Welcome Guide'. Kristen Baker-Geczy is a communications specialist, active duty military spouse, and former MWR marketing coordinator. If not already on active duty as enlisted personnel in the armed forces, selectees for OTS will subsequently enlist in the Air Force Reserve via the Delayed Enlistment Program and will be assigned an OTS class date. Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education, Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education, --Air Force Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, --USAF Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course, --Air Force Enlisted Heritage Research Institute, Officer Accessions and Citizen Development, Jeanne M. Holm Center for Officer Accessions & Citizen Development, --Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, --Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp, Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development, --Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School, --Force Support Professional Development School, USAF Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies, USAF Center for Strategic Leadership Communication, - ther Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower, Revista Profesional de la Fuerza Area de EUA, Continente Americano, Revista Profissional da Fora Area dos EUA, Continente Americano, Journal of Military Conflict Transformation (JMCT), Air University Educational Support Services, Air University Learner Portal (CaC Required), Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC), Chief of Staff of the Air Force Leadership Library, Welcome to Air Force Officer Training School, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Basic Expeditionary Leadership Problem Solving (BELPS), Air Force Combatives Program (IE hand-to-hand combat), Preparation for the Arrival of the Lower Class, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships. Insight? Officer Training School However, a few months later, family tragedy struck twice, forcing her to leave the academy and delaying her dream of becoming an officer and pilot. [4], The number of officers commissioned through OTS fluctuates considerably as their numbers are largely influenced by the number of graduating cadets through the USAF Academy and AFROTC, as well as being the first place the Air Force cuts when they have a surplus of cadets through the other two sources. As of 2019, the class is an 8-week program and students are once again referred to as Officer Trainees. The nine-and-a-half week course is extremely demanding physically and mentally. Civilians applying to attend Air Force OTS must have a bachelors degree and be a U.S. citizen between the ages of 19-39 years old. A few years later, and with yet another logical move, the Air Force also decided to merge line and non-line training courses. USAF_-_Officer_Training_School.png Officer Training School (OTS) is a United States Air Force and Unit You can only take the Air Force Qualifying Test twice so make sure you study and prepare for the exam. Welcome to Officer Training School! The last AvCad pilot was commissioned in October 1961 at the former Reese AFB, Texas, and the last AvCad navigator was commissioned in March 1965, at the former James Connally AFB, Texas. Although you will learn drill and spend your share . As you pack your bags and head towards Maxwell AFB, we want to encourage you to bring any religious items that may encourage your spiritual resiliency (i.g., faith books/devotionals, religious apparel, Eucharistic Mass kits, rosary, and/or prayer mats). Officer Training School-Abbreviated (OTS-A) (formerly known as Commissioned Officer Training (COT)) is a five-week program primarily focused on terminal-degreed professionals (e.g., medical, lawyers, chaplains, as well as undergraduate degreed nurses) directly accessed into the USAF officer ranks. Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) Guide. The program instructs these areas concurrently, emphasizing team building, followership, and knowledge acquisition during the first half of training, followed by leadership application during the second half. I know it's a long shot, but anybody able to offer some insight on this training? To apply, contact your nearest Air Force recruiter. If need be, one of the chaplains can help provide or facilitate your request. The Officer Training School staff consists of full-time active duty, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard members, including 106 officers, 42 enlisted and nine civilian personnel, as well as seven Air Force Reserve individual mobilization augmentee officers. Accession numbers fluctuate in response to variations between projected and actual U.S. Air Force Academy and Air Force ROTC officer accessions and Air Force end-strength requirements. Officer Training School is located at Maxwell, and provides basic officer training, a nine-week program designed to commission about 500-700 new second lieutenants annually. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, Air Force Bonus List: 6 Bonuses Available, Army OCS Guide: Preparing For Army Officer Training, List Of 9 Army Patches And Their Meanings, Army Sharpshooter Badge: 6 Things To Know, Army Service Ribbon (ASR): 5 Things To Know, Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know. There are three types of people who attend OCS: For a short period during the build up of the Air Force to meet the demands of the Vietnam War, as many as three OTS Squadrons were based directly at Lackland AFB. Inbound trainees, ensure you view the 'Welcome Guide'. You are about to embark on one of the most challenging and memorable training and education programs of your Air Force career. PENSACOLA NAVAL AIR STATION, Fla. -- Air Force aviator training took a huge step into the 21st century Wednesday, when the inaugural class of Combat Systems Officer students began training here with the 479th Flying Training Group. Orientation Course #MOTS-003. As you pack your bags and head towards Maxwell AFB, we want to encourage you to bring any religious items that may encourage your spiritual resiliency (i.g., faith books/devotionals, religious apparel, Eucharistic Mass kits, rosary, and/or prayer mats). Air Force judge advocates, chaplains, some health professionals (doctors and dentists and hospital administrators) and medical scholarship recipients will attend the first five weeks of the training and depart after completing all graduation requirements. Interested applicants for OTS typically contact Air Force recruiters specializing in officer (versus enlisted) accessions. The majority of this MILCON project was completed in 2001 and all projects relating to the Maxwell AFB OTS campus were completed by 2004. 14 Followers. While its a great option the Air Force Academy is very difficult to gain admittance and requires a congressional endorsement. Trainees who have facial hair must have a religious or medical waiver. Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Liaison Officer. OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL 9.5 weeks MILITARY TRAINING LOCATION Maxwell AFB AL INTERESTS & SKILLS Intelligence VIEW ALL CAREERS TAKE A BREAK Flights and 30-days vacation with pay each year. USAF academics shift the focus to the following studies: The third phase of Air Force Officer Training School deals with the practical application from the lessons of the previous two phases. Instructor duty: Times are changing > Air Force > Display - AF 3. Becoming An Officer Today's Military Inbound trainees, select the above link to view the 'Welcome Guide'. Whether you have specific questions about how to join the Air Force, are seeking more information or are ready to apply, were here to help. Air Force Officer Training School web banner. Applicants can apply for aeronautically rated or non-rated Line Officer of the Air Force (LAF) positions. In addition to OTS, the Holm Center also has oversight responsibilities for the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) pre-commissioning program on U.S. colleges and universities, the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) citizen development program in U.S. high schools, and the entire Civil Air Patrol, both its senior member program as the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary (focused on search and rescue and other emergency services and disaster support), and its aerospace education and citizen development cadet program (similar to the AFJROTC cadet program) via its HQ CAP-USAF activity. How Long is Officer Training School - Air Force: 9.5 weeks. After five weeks, the already-commissioned OTS-A students that have successfully completed the course graduate and move on to either follow-on technical training or their initial assignments. Officer Training School > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display OTS is a relatively small school. AFOQT - How to Prepare, How to Succeed | Baseops The nine-and-a-half-week program prepares potential commissioned officers of the Air Force to assume the responsibilities of an officer upon graduation. Officer Training School ated If you have any questions, please contact the OTS Chaplain at 334-462-4412. The United States Air Force expects a lot from its commissioned officers which really isnt much different from other uniformed branches. At least a bachelors degree from a recognized college. Culminating in graduation from OTS, phase four focuses on mentorship and the transition into becoming an Air Force officer. Commandant, OTS Visit for more info. Named for the late Major General Jeanne M. Holm, the Holm Center falls under Air University (AU), which, in turn, falls under the Air Education and Training Command (AETC), an Air Force major command (MAJCOM). Additionally, OTS maintains an air expeditionary force garrison training site, a 200-acre field training facility, confidence course and two expeditionary assault courses. Related Article Army OCS Guide: Preparing For Army Officer Training. It is also used for selection into specific training programs such as pilot and navigator training. Without either one of these waivers, the trainee will be required to shave, immediately, until a waiver is obtained. Active duty Air Force officers and enlisted personnel interested in becoming rated officers have until May 25, 2021 to apply for the Fall 2021 Rated Preparatory Program that is scheduled to be heldSept. 11-25, 2021., "Learn About Air Force Fitness Tests in Officer Training", "Military Downsizing: Balancing Accessions and Losses Is Key to Shaping the Future Force", "With the 65% Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) acceptance rate, does anyone have advice if I were to apply? Officer Training School (OTS) (formerly known as Basic Officer Training (BOT) and later, Total Force Officer Training (TFOT)) is the more traditional 8-week pre-commissioning program. After you complete Officer Training School you may need to complete additional training at another Air Force base, depending on the specialty. Air Force Officer Training School tests officer recruits physically and mentally while also developing leadership skills. Good luck and I look forward to serving with you. Related Article Pros And Cons Of Joining The Air Force. What is the Air Force Officer Training School (OTS)? OTS . Areas of instruction at OTS include military customs and courtesies, military history, Air Force traditions and culture, leadership, field exercises, drill and ceremonies, small arms training, and combatives. Air Force OTS is a demanding training program that lasts a little under ten weeks and helps develop your leadership skills. Prospective Officers receive evaluations on their leadership potential, moral standards, and academic strengths. Officers can be commissioned up to the rank of colonel (O-6) if they possess the level of experience necessary. Your email address will not be published. The selective process is purposely designed that way to make sure you have what it takes to become an officer. Commandant, OTS The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test is a standardized test similar to the SAT and ACT.The AFOQT measures aptitudes and is used to select applicants for officer commissioning programs, such as Officer Training School (OTS) or Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (Air Force ROTC). U.S. Air Force Officer Training School / Phase 01: Indoctrination My Experience at Inter-American Squadron Officer School. Here are some of the activities and requirements youll complete during phase four. MISSION It recommends exercising three to five times per week. Officer Training School - Air Force - Officer Assignments Candidates will have the opportunity to apply their leadership skills by training the new lower class and lead peers through officer trainee wing positions. UPON COMPLETION OF OTS, GRADUATES RECEIVE THE OATH OF OFFICE AND ARE COMMISSIONED AS 2ND LIEUTENANTS IN THE AIR FORCE. Non-prior service college graduates will enlist in the rank of Airman 1st Class (E-3) while prior service enlisted personnel will be enlisted in their current or highest prior pay grade.